Source code for parsr

parsr is a library for building parsers based on `parsing expression grammars or
PEGs <>`_.

You build a parser by making subparsers to match simple building blocks like
numbers, strings, symbols, etc. and then composing them to reflect the higher
level structure of your language.

Some means of combination are like those of regular expressions: sequences,
alternatives, repetition, optional matching, etc. However, matching is always
greedy. parsr also allows recursive definitions and the ability to transform
the match of any subparser with a function. The parser can recognize and
interpret its input at the same time.

Here's an example that evaluates arithmetic expressions.

    .. code-block:: python

        from insights.parsr import EOF, Forward, InSet, Many, Number, WS

        def op(args):
            ans, rest = args
            for op, arg in rest:
                if op == "+":
                    ans += arg
                elif op == "-":
                    ans -= arg
                elif op == "*":
                    ans *= arg
                    ans /= arg
            return ans

        LP = Char("(")
        RP = Char(")")

        expr = Forward()  # Forward declarations allow recursive structure
        factor = WS >> (Number | (LP >> expr << RP)) << WS
        term = (factor + Many(InSet("*/") + factor)).map(op)

        # Notice the funny assignment of Forward definitions.
        expr <= (term + Many(InSet("+-") + term)).map(op)

        evaluate = expr << EOF
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import logging
import re
import os
import string
import traceback
from bisect import bisect_left
from six import StringIO, with_metaclass

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Node(object): """ Node is the base class of all parsers. It's a generic tree structure with each instance containing a list of its children. Its main purpose is to simplify pretty printing. """ def __init__(self): self.children = [] def add_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) return self def set_children(self, children): self.children = [] for c in children: self.add_child(c) return self def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]def text_format(tree): """ Converts a PEG into a pretty printed string. """ out = StringIO() tab = " " * 2 seen = set() def inner(cur, prefix): print(prefix + str(cur), file=out) if cur in seen: return seen.add(cur) next_prefix = prefix + tab for c in cur.children: inner(c, next_prefix) inner(tree, "") return
[docs]def render(tree): """ Pretty prints a PEG. """ print(text_format(tree))
def _debug_hook(func): """ _debug_hook wraps the process function of every parser. It maintains a stack of active parsers during evaluation to help with error reporting and prints diagnostic messages for parsers with debug enabled. """ @functools.wraps(func) def inner(self, pos, data, ctx): if ctx.function_error is not None: # no point in continuing... raise Exception() ctx.parser_stack.append(self) if self._debug: line = ctx.line(pos) + 1 col = ctx.col(pos) + 1 log.debug("Trying {0} at line {1} col {2}".format(self, line, col)) try: res = func(self, pos, data, ctx) if self._debug: log.debug("Result: {0}".format(res[1])) return res except: if self._debug: ps = "-> ".join([str(p) for p in ctx.parser_stack]) log.debug("Failed: {0}".format(ps)) raise finally: ctx.parser_stack.pop() return inner
[docs]class Backtrack(Exception): """ Mapped or Lifted functions should Backtrack if they want to fail without causing parsing to fail. """ def __init__(self, msg): super(Backtrack, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class Context(object): """ An instance of Context is threaded through the process call to every parser. It stores an indention stack to track hanging indents, a tag stack for grammars like xml or apache configuration, the active parser stack for error reporting, and accumulated errors for the farthest position reached. """ def __init__(self, lines, orig, src=None): self.pos = -1 self.indents = [] self.tags = [] self.src = src self.orig = orig self.lines = [i for i, x in enumerate(lines) if x == "\n"] self.parser_stack = [] self.errors = [] self.function_error = None
[docs] def set(self, pos, msg): """ Every parser that encounters an error calls set with the current position and a message. If the error is at the farthest position reached by any other parser, the active parser stack and message are accumulated onto a list of errors for that position. If the position is beyond any previous errors, the error list is cleared before the active stack and new error are recorded. This is the "farthest failure heurstic." """ if pos > self.pos: self.errors = [] if pos >= self.pos: self.pos = pos self.errors.append((list(self.parser_stack), msg))
def line(self, pos): return bisect_left(self.lines, pos) def col(self, pos): p = self.line(pos) if p == 0: return pos return (pos - self.lines[p - 1] - 1)
class _ParserMeta(type): """ ParserMeta wraps every parser subclass's process function with the ``_debug_hook`` decorator. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict): orig = getattr(cls, "process") setattr(cls, "process", _debug_hook(orig))
[docs]class Parser(with_metaclass(_ParserMeta, Node)): """ Parser is the common base class of all Parsers. """ def __init__(self): super(Parser, self).__init__() = None self._debug = False
[docs] def debug(self, d=True): """ Set to ``True`` to enable diagnostic messages before and after the parser is invoked. """ self._debug = d return self
@staticmethod def _accumulate(first, rest): results = [first] if first else [] if rest: results.extend(rest) return results
[docs] def sep_by(self, sep): """ Return a parser that matches zero or more instances of the current parser separated by instances of the parser sep. """ return Lift(self._accumulate) * Opt(self) * Many(sep >> self)
[docs] def until(self, pred, upper=None): """ Return an :py:class:`Until` parser that matches zero or more instances of the current parser until the pred parser succeeds. """ return Until(self, pred, upper=upper)
[docs] def map(self, func): """ Return a :py:class:`Map` parser that transforms the results of the current parser with the function func. """ return Map(self, func)
def __add__(self, other): """ Return a :py:class:`Sequence` that requires the current parser to be followed by the other parser. Additional calls to ``+`` on the returned parser will cause it to accumulate "other" onto itself instead of creating new Sequences. This has the desirable effect of causing sequence matches to be represented as flat lists instead of trees, but it can also have unintended consequences if a sequence is used in multiple parts of a grammar as the initial element of another sequence. :py:class:`Choice`s also accumulate and can lead to similar surprises. """ return Sequence([self, other]) def __or__(self, other): """ Return a :py:class:`Choice` that requires the current parser or the other parser to match. Additional calls to ``|`` on the returned parser will cause it to accumulate "other" onto itself instead of creating new Choices. This has the desirable effect of making choices more efficient, but it can also have unintended consequences if a choice is used in multiple parts of a grammar as the initial element of another :py:class:`Choice`. """ return Choice([self, other]) def __lshift__(self, other): """ Return a parser that requires the current parser and the other parser but ignores the other parser's result. Both parsers consume input. """ return KeepLeft(self, other) def __rshift__(self, other): """ Return a parser that requires the current parser and the other parser but ignores the current parser's result. Both parsers consume input. """ return KeepRight(self, other) def __and__(self, other): """ Return a parser that requires the current parser and the other parser but ignores the current parser's result. Only the current parser consumes input. """ return FollowedBy(self, other) def __truediv__(self, other): """ Return a parser that requires the current parser but requires the other parser to fail. Only the current parser consumes input. """ return NotFollowedBy(self, other) def __mod__(self, name): """ Gives the current parser a human friendly name for display in error messages and PEG rendering. """ = name return self def process(self, pos, data, ctx): raise NotImplementedError() def __call__(self, data, src=None, Ctx=Context): """ Invoke the parser like a function on a regular string of characters. Optinally provide an arbitrary external object that will be made available to the Context instance. You also can provide a Context subclass if your parsers have particular needs not covered by the default implementation that provides significant indent and tag stacks. """ chars = list(data) chars.append(None) # add a terminal so we don't overrun ctx = Ctx(chars, data, src=src) try: _, ret = self.process(0, chars, ctx) return ret except Exception: pass if ctx.function_error is not None: pos, msg = ctx.function_error lineno = ctx.line(pos) + 1 colno = ctx.col(pos) + 1 msg = "At line {0} column {1}: {2}".format(lineno, colno, msg) raise Exception(msg) err = StringIO() lineno = ctx.line(ctx.pos) + 1 colno = ctx.col(ctx.pos) + 1 msg = "At line {0} column {1}:" print(msg.format(lineno, colno, ctx.lines), file=err) for parsers, msg in ctx.errors: names = " -> ".join([ for p in parsers if]) v = data[ctx.pos] or "EOF" print(names, file=err) print(" {0} Got {1!r}.".format(msg, v), file=err) content = err.getvalue() err.close() raise Exception(content) def __repr__(self): return or self.__class__.__name__
class AnyChar(Parser): def process(self, pos, data, ctx): c = data[pos] if c is not None: return (pos + 1, c) msg = "Expected any character." ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs]class Char(Parser): """ Char matches a single character. .. code-block:: python a = Char("a") # parses a single "a" val = a("a") # produces an "a" from the data. val = a("b") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, char): super(Char, self).__init__() self.char = char = "Char({0!r})".format(self.char) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): if data[pos] == self.char: return (pos + 1, self.char) msg = "Expected {0!r}.".format(self.char) ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception(msg) def __repr__(self): return
[docs]class InSet(Parser): """ InSet matches any single character from a set. .. code-block:: python vowel = InSet("aeiou") # or InSet(set("aeiou")) val = vowel("a") # okay val = vowel("e") # okay val = vowel("i") # okay val = vowel("o") # okay val = vowel("u") # okay val = vowel("y") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, s, name=None): super(InSet, self).__init__() self.values = set(s) = name def process(self, pos, data, ctx): c = data[pos] if c in self.values: return (pos + 1, c) msg = "Expected {0}.".format(self) ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception(msg) def __repr__(self): if is None: return "InSet({0!r})".format(sorted(self.values)) return super(InSet, self).__repr__()
[docs]class String(Parser): """ Match one or more characters in a set. Matching is greedy. .. code-block:: python vowels = String("aeiou") val = vowels("a") # returns "a" val = vowels("u") # returns "u" val = vowels("aaeiouuoui") # returns "aaeiouuoui" val = vowels("uoiea") # returns "uoiea" val = vowels("oouieaaea") # returns "oouieaaea" val = vowels("ga") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, chars, echars=None, min_length=1): super(String, self).__init__() self.chars = set(chars) self.echars = set(echars) if echars else set() self.min_length = min_length def process(self, pos, data, ctx): results = [] p = data[pos] old = pos while p in self.chars or p == "\\": if p == "\\" and data[pos + 1] in self.echars: results.append(data[pos + 1]) pos += 2 elif p in self.chars: results.append(p) pos += 1 else: break p = data[pos] if len(results) < self.min_length: msg = "Expected {0} of {1}.".format(self.min_length, sorted(self.chars)) ctx.set(old, msg) raise Exception(msg) return pos, "".join(results)
[docs]class StringUntil(Parser): """ StringUntil matches any number of characters until a predicate is seen. .. code-block:: python su = StringUntil(Char("=")) # parses any number of characters until 'a' val = su("ab=") # produces "ab" from the data. val = su("ab") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, term, lower=None, upper=None): super(StringUntil, self).__init__() self.add_child(AnyChar.until(term, upper=upper).map(lambda x: "".join(x)) & term) self.lower = lower def process(self, pos, data, ctx): (newpos, res) = self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) if self.lower is not None and len(res) < self.lower: ctx.set(pos, "Expected at least {0} characters.".format(self.lower)) raise Exception() return newpos, res
[docs]class Regex(Parser): """ Match characters against a regular expression. .. code-block:: python identifier = Regex("[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9])*") identifier("abcd1") # returns "abcd1" identifier("1bcd1") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0, return_match=False): super(Regex, self).__init__() self.pattern = pattern self.flags = flags self.regex = re.compile(pattern, flags) self.return_match = return_match def process(self, pos, data, ctx): try: m = self.regex.match(ctx.orig[pos:]) start, end = m.span() res = m if self.return_match else ctx.orig[pos:pos + end] return pos + end, res except: ctx.set(pos, "Expected pattern {0!r} (flags={1}).".format(self.pattern, self.flags)) raise Exception()
[docs]class Literal(Parser): """ Match a literal string. The ``value`` keyword lets you return a python value instead of the matched input. The ``ignore_case`` keyword makes the match case insensitive. .. code-block:: python lit = Literal("true") val = lit("true") # returns "true" val = lit("True") # raises an exception val = lit("one") # raises an exception lit = Literal("true", ignore_case=True) val = lit("true") # returns "true" val = lit("TRUE") # returns "TRUE" val = lit("one") # raises an exception t = Literal("true", value=True) f = Literal("false", value=False) val = t("true") # returns the boolean True val = t("True") # raises an exception val = f("false") # returns the boolean False val = f("False") # raises and exception t = Literal("true", value=True, ignore_case=True) f = Literal("false", value=False, ignore_case=True) val = t("true") # returns the boolean True val = t("True") # returns the boolean True val = f("false") # returns the boolean False val = f("False") # returns the boolean False """ _NULL = object() def __init__(self, chars, value=_NULL, ignore_case=False): super(Literal, self).__init__() self.chars = chars if not ignore_case else chars.lower() self.value = value self.ignore_case = ignore_case = "Literal{0!r}".format(self.chars) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): old = pos if not self.ignore_case: for c in self.chars: if data[pos] == c: pos += 1 else: msg = "Expected {0!r}.".format(self.chars) ctx.set(old, msg) raise Exception(msg) return pos, (self.chars if self.value is self._NULL else self.value) else: result = [] for c in self.chars: if data[pos].lower() == c: result.append(data[pos]) pos += 1 else: msg = "Expected case insensitive {0!r}.".format(self.chars) ctx.set(old, msg) raise Exception(msg) return pos, ("".join(result) if self.value is self._NULL else self.value)
[docs]class Wrapper(Parser): """ Parser that wraps another parser. This can be used to prevent sequences and choices from accidentally accumulating other parsers when used in multiple parts of a grammar. """ def __init__(self, parser): super(Wrapper, self).__init__() self.add_child(parser) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): return self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx)
[docs]class Mark(object): """ An object created by :py:class:`PosMarker` to capture a value at a position in the input. Marks can give more context to a value transformed by mapped functions. """ def __init__(self, lineno, col, value, start, end): self.lineno = lineno self.col = col self.value = value self.start = start self.end = end
[docs]class PosMarker(Wrapper): """ Save the line number and column of a subparser by wrapping it in a PosMarker. The value of the parser that handled the input as well as the initial input position will be returned as a :py:class:`Mark`. """ def process(self, pos, data, ctx): lineno = ctx.line(pos) + 1 col = ctx.col(pos) + 1 newpos, result = super(PosMarker, self).process(pos, data, ctx) return newpos, Mark(lineno, col, result, pos, newpos)
[docs]class Sequence(Parser): """ A Sequence requires all of its children to succeed. It returns a list of the values they matched. Additional uses of ``+`` on the parser will cause it to accumulate parsers onto itself instead of creating new Sequences. This has the desirable effect of causing sequence results to be represented as flat lists instead of trees, but it can also have unintended consequences if a sequence is used in multiple parts of a grammar as the initial element of another sequence. Use a :py:class:`Wrapper` to prevent that from happening. .. code-block :: python a = Char("a") # parses a single "a" b = Char("b") # parses a single "b" c = Char("c") # parses a single "c" ab = a + b # parses a single "a" followed by a single "b" # (a + b) creates a "Sequence" object. Using `ab` # as an element in a later sequence would modify # its original definition. abc = a + b + c # parses "abc" # (a + b) creates a "Sequence" object to which c # is appended val = ab("ab") # produces a list ["a", "b"] val = ab("a") # raises an exception val = ab("b") # raises an exception val = ab("ac") # raises an exception val = ab("cb") # raises an exception val = abc("abc") # produces ["a", "b", "c"] """ def __init__(self, children): super(Sequence, self).__init__() self.set_children(children) def __add__(self, other): return self.add_child(other) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): results = [] for p in self.children: pos, res = p.process(pos, data, ctx) results.append(res) return pos, results
[docs]class Choice(Parser): """ A Choice requires at least one of its children to succeed, and it returns the value of the one that matched. Alternatives in a choice are tried left to right, so they have a definite priority. This a feature of PEGs over context free grammars. Additional uses of ``|`` on the parser will cause it to accumulate parsers onto itself instead of creating new Choices. This has the desirable effect of increasing efficiency, but it can also have unintended consequences if a choice is used in multiple parts of a grammar as the initial element of another choice. Use a :py:class:`Wrapper` to prevent that from happening. .. code-block:: python abc = a | b | c # alternation or choice. val = abc("a") # parses a single "a" val = abc("b") # parses a single "b" val = abc("c") # parses a single "c" val = abc("d") # raises an exception """ def __init__(self, children): super(Choice, self).__init__() self.set_children(children) def __or__(self, other): return self.add_child(other) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): for c in self.children: try: return c.process(pos, data, ctx) except: pass raise Exception()
[docs]class Many(Parser): """ Many wraps another parser and requires it to match a certain number of times. When Many matches zero occurences (``lower=0``), it always succeeds. Keep this in mind when using it in a list of alternatives or with :py:class:`FollowedBy` or :py:class:`NotFollowedBy`. The results are returned as a list. .. code-block:: python x = Char("x") xs = Many(x) # parses many (or no) x's in a row val = xs("") # returns [] val = xs("a") # returns [] val = xs("x") # returns ["x"] val = xs("xxxxx") # returns ["x", "x", "x", "x", "x"] val = xs("xxxxb") # returns ["x", "x", "x", "x"] ab = Many(a + b) # parses "abab..." val = ab("") # produces [] val = ab("ab") # produces [["a", b"]] val = ab("ba") # produces [] val = ab("ababab")# produces [["a", b"], ["a", "b"], ["a", "b"]] ab = Many(a | b) # parses any combination of "a" and "b" like # "aababbaba..." val = ab("aababb")# produces ["a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "b"] bs = Many(Char("b"), lower=1) # requires at least one "b" """ def __init__(self, parser, lower=0, upper=None): super(Many, self).__init__() self.add_child(parser) self.lower = lower self.upper = upper def process(self, pos, data, ctx): orig = pos results = [] p = self.children[0] while True: try: pos, res = p.process(pos, data, ctx) results.append(res) except Exception: break if len(results) < self.lower: child = self.children[0] msg = "Expected at least {0} of {1}.".format(self.lower, child) ctx.set(orig, msg) raise Exception() if self.upper is not None and len(results) > self.upper: child = self.children[0] msg = "Expected at most {0} of {1}.".format(self.upper, child) ctx.set(orig, msg) raise Exception() return pos, results def __repr__(self): if not return "Many({0}, lower={1}, upper={2})".format(self.children[0], self.lower, self.upper) return super(Many, self).__repr__()
[docs]class Until(Parser): """ Until wraps a parser and a terminal parser. It accumulates matches of the first parser until the terminal parser succeeds. Input for the terminal parser is left unread, and the results of the first parser are returned as a list. Since Until can match zero occurences, it always succeeds. Keep this in mind when using it in a list of alternatives or with :py:class:`FollowedBy` or :py:class:`NotFollowedBy`. .. code-block:: python cs = AnyChar.until(Char("y")) # parses many (or no) characters # until a "y" is encountered. val = cs("") # returns [] val = cs("a") # returns ["a"] val = cs("x") # returns ["x"] val = cs("ccccc") # returns ["c", "c", "c", "c", "c"] val = cs("abcdycc") # returns ["a", "b", "c", "d"] """ def __init__(self, parser, predicate, upper=None): super(Until, self).__init__() self.set_children([parser, predicate]) self.upper = upper def process(self, pos, data, ctx): bound = self.upper parser, pred = self.children results = [] while True: try: pred.process(pos, data, ctx) except Exception: try: pos, res = parser.process(pos, data, ctx) results.append(res) except Exception: break if bound is not None and len(results) > bound: msg = "{0} matched more than {1}.".format(parser, bound) ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception() else: break return pos, results
[docs]class FollowedBy(Parser): """ FollowedBy takes a parser and a predicate parser. The initial parser matches only if the predicate matches the input after it. On success, input for the predicate is left unread, and the result of the first parser is returned. .. code-block:: python ab = Char("a") & Char("b") # matches an "a" followed by a "b", but # the "b" isn't consumed from the input. val = ab("ab") # returns "a" and leaves "b" to be # consumed. val = ab("ac") # raises an exception and doesn't # consume "a". """ def __init__(self, child, follow): super(FollowedBy, self).__init__() self.set_children([child, follow]) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): left, right = self.children new, res = left.process(pos, data, ctx) right.process(new, data, ctx) return new, res
[docs]class NotFollowedBy(Parser): """ NotFollowedBy takes a parser and a predicate parser. The initial parser matches only if the predicate parser fails to match the input after it. On success, input for the predicate is left unread, and the result of the first parser is returned. .. code-block:: python anb = Char("a") / Char("b") # matches an "a" not followed by a "b". val = anb("ac") # returns "a" and leaves "c" to be # consumed val = anb("ab") # raises an exception and doesn't # consume "a". """ def __init__(self, child, follow): super(NotFollowedBy, self).__init__() self.set_children([child, follow]) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): left, right = self.children new, res = left.process(pos, data, ctx) try: right.process(new, data, ctx) except Exception: return new, res else: msg = "{0} can't follow {1}".format(right, left) ctx.set(new, msg) raise Exception()
[docs]class KeepLeft(Parser): """ KeepLeft takes two parsers. It requires them both to succeed but only returns results for the first one. It consumes input for both. .. code-block:: python a = Char("a") q = Char('"') aq = a << q # like a + q except only the result of a is # returned val = aq('a"') # returns "a". Keeps the thing on the left of the # << """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(KeepLeft, self).__init__() self.set_children([left, right]) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): left, right = self.children pos, res = left.process(pos, data, ctx) pos, _ = right.process(pos, data, ctx) return pos, res
[docs]class KeepRight(Parser): """ KeepRight takes two parsers. It requires them both to succeed but only returns results for the second one. It consumes input for both. .. code-block:: python q = Char('"') a = Char("a") qa = q >> a # like q + a except only the result of a is # returned val = qa('"a') # returns "a". Keeps the thing on the right of the # >> """ def __init__(self, left, right): super(KeepRight, self).__init__() self.set_children([left, right]) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): left, right = self.children pos, _ = left.process(pos, data, ctx) return right.process(pos, data, ctx)
[docs]class Opt(Parser): """ Opt wraps a single parser and returns its value if it succeeds. It returns a default value otherwise. The input pointer is advanced only if the wrapped parser succeeds. .. code-block:: python a = Char("a") o = Opt(a) # matches an "a" if its available. Still succeeds # otherwise but doesn't advance the read pointer. val = o("a") # returns "a" val = o("b") # returns None. Read pointer is not advanced. o = Opt(a, default="x") # matches an "a" if its available. Returns # "x" otherwise. val = o("a") # returns "a" val = o("b") # returns "x". Read pointer is not advanced. """ def __init__(self, p, default=None): super(Opt, self).__init__() self.add_child(p) self.default = default def process(self, pos, data, ctx): try: return self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) except Exception: return pos, self.default
[docs]class Map(Parser): """ Map wraps a parser and a function. It returns the result of using the function to transform the wrapped parser's result. Example:: .. code-block:: python Digit = InSet("0123456789") Digits = Many(Digit, lower=1) Number = x: int("".join(x))) """ def __init__(self, child, func): super(Map, self).__init__() self.add_child(child) self.func = func def process(self, pos, data, ctx): pos, res = self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) try: return pos, self.func(res) except Backtrack as bt: ctx.set(pos, bt.msg) raise except: tb = traceback.format_exc() msg = ( or "Map") + " raised{l}{tb}".format(l=os.linesep, tb=tb) ctx.function_error = (pos, msg) raise def __repr__(self): if not return "Map({0}({1}))".format(self.func.__name__, self.children[0]) return super(Map, self).__repr__()
[docs]class Lift(Parser): """ Lift wraps a function of multiple arguments. Use it with the multiplication operator on as many parsers as function arguments, and the results of those parsers will be passed to the function. The result of a Lift parser is the result of the wrapped function. Example:: .. code-block:: python def comb(a, b, c): return "".join([a, b, c]) # You'd normally invoke comb like comb("x", "y", "z"), but you can # "lift" it for use with parsers like this: x = Char("x") y = Char("y") z = Char("z") p = Lift(comb) * x * y * z # The * operator separates parsers whose results will go into the # arguments of the lifted function. I've used Char above, but x, y, # and z can be arbitrarily complex. val = p("xyz") # would return "xyz" val = p("xyx") # raises an exception. nothing would be consumed """ def __init__(self, func): super(Lift, self).__init__() self.func = func def __mul__(self, other): return self.add_child(other) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): results = [] for c in self.children: pos, res = c.process(pos, data, ctx) results.append(res) try: return pos, self.func(*results) except Backtrack as bt: ctx.set(pos, bt.msg) raise except: tb = traceback.format_exc() msg = ( or "Lift") + " raised{l}{tb}".format(l=os.linesep, tb=tb) ctx.set(pos, msg) ctx.function_error = (pos, msg) raise
[docs]class Forward(Parser): """ Forward allows recursive grammars where a nonterminal's definition includes itself directly or indirectly. You initially create a Forward nonterminal with regular assignment. .. code-block:: python expr = Forward() You later give it its real definition with the ``<=`` operator. .. code-block:: python expr <= (term + Many(LowOps + term)).map(op) """ def __init__(self): super(Forward, self).__init__() self.delegate = None def __le__(self, delegate): self.set_children([delegate]) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): return self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx)
class EOF(Parser): """ EOF marks the end of input. This parser doesn't need to be created directly. An instance is provided in this module. .. code-block:: python # Top executes an Expr and ensures no input is left over. Top = Expr << EOF """ def process(self, pos, data, ctx): if data[pos] is None: return pos, None msg = "Expected end of input." ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs]class EnclosedComment(Parser): """ EnclosedComment matches a start literal, an end literal, and all characters between. It returns the content between the start and end. .. code-block:: python Comment = EnclosedComment("/*", "*/") """ def __init__(self, s, e): super(EnclosedComment, self).__init__() Start = Literal(s) End = Literal(e) p = Start >> AnyChar.until(End).map(lambda x: "".join(x)) << End self.add_child(p) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): return self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx)
[docs]class OneLineComment(Parser): """ OneLineComment matches everything from a literal to the end of a line, excluding the end of line characters themselves. It returns the content between the start literal and the end of the line. .. code-block:: python Comment = OneLineComment("#") | OneLineComment("//") """ def __init__(self, s): super(OneLineComment, self).__init__() p = Literal(s) >> Opt(AnyChar.until(InSet("\r\n")), "") self.add_child(p) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): return self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx)
[docs]class WithIndent(Wrapper): """ Consumes whitespace until a non-whitespace character is encountered, pushes the column position onto an indentation stack in the :py:class:`Context`, and then calls the parser it's wrapping. The wrapped parser and any of its children can make use of the saved indentation. Returns the value of the wrapped parser. WithIndent allows :py:class:`HangingString` to work by giving a way to mark how indented following lines must be to count as continuations. .. code-block:: python Key = WS >> PosMarker(String(key_chars)) << WS Sep = InSet(sep_chars, "Sep") Value = WS >> (Boolean | HangingString(value_chars)) KVPair = WithIndent(Key + Opt(Sep >> Value)) """ def process(self, pos, data, ctx): new, _ = WS.process(pos, data, ctx) try: ctx.indents.append(ctx.col(new)) return self.children[0].process(new, data, ctx) finally: ctx.indents.pop()
[docs]class HangingString(Parser): """ HangingString matches lines with indented continuations like in ini files. .. code-block:: python Key = WS >> PosMarker(String(key_chars)) << WS Sep = InSet(sep_chars, "Sep") Value = WS >> (Boolean | HangingString(value_chars)) KVPair = WithIndent(Key + Opt(Sep >> Value)) """ def __init__(self, chars, echars=None, min_length=1): super(HangingString, self).__init__() p = String(chars, echars=echars, min_length=min_length) self.add_child(p << (EOL | EOF)) def process(self, pos, data, ctx): old = pos results = [] while True: try: if ctx.col(pos) > ctx.indents[-1]: pos, res = self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) results.append(res.rstrip(" \\")) else: pos = old break old = pos pos, _ = WS.process(pos, data, ctx) except Exception: break ret = " ".join(results) return pos, ret
[docs]class StartTagName(Wrapper): """ Wraps a parser that represents a starting tag for grammars like xml, html, etc. The tag result is captured and put onto a tag stack in the :py:class:`Context` object. """ def process(self, pos, data, ctx): pos, res = self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) ctx.tags.append(res) return pos, res
[docs]class EndTagName(Wrapper): """ Wraps a parser that represents an end tag for grammars like xml, html, etc. The result is captured and compared to the last tag on the tag stack in the :py:class:`Context` object. The tags must match for the parse to be successful. """ def __init__(self, parser, ignore_case=False): super(EndTagName, self).__init__(parser) self.ignore_case = ignore_case def process(self, pos, data, ctx): pos, res = self.children[0].process(pos, data, ctx) expect = ctx.tags.pop() r, e = res, expect if self.ignore_case: r = res.lower() e = expect.lower() if r != e: msg = "Expected {0!r}. Got {1!r}.".format(expect, res) ctx.set(pos, msg) raise Exception(msg) return pos, res
def skip_none(x): return [i for i in x if i is not None] class Space(Parser): def process(self, pos, data, ctx): if data[pos].isspace(): return pos + 1, data[pos] ctx.set(pos, "Expected whitespace character.") raise Exception() EOF = EOF() % "EOF" EOL = InSet("\n\r") % "EOL" LineEnd = Wrapper(EOL | EOF) % "LineEnd" EQ = Char("=") LT = Char("<") GT = Char(">") FS = Char("/") LeftCurly = Char("{") RightCurly = Char("}") LeftBracket = Char("[") RightBracket = Char("]") LeftParen = Char("(") RightParen = Char(")") Colon = Char(":") SemiColon = Char(";") Comma = Char(",") AnyChar = AnyChar() % "any character" NonZeroDigit = InSet(set(string.digits) - set("0")) % "non zero digit" Digit = InSet(string.digits) % "digit" Digits = String(string.digits) % "digits" Letter = InSet(string.ascii_letters) % "ASCII letter" Letters = String(string.ascii_letters) % "ASCII letters" Space = Space() % "any whitespace" WSChar = InSet(set(string.whitespace) - set("\n\r")) % "whitespace w/o EOL" WS = Many(Space) Number = Regex(r"-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?").map(float) % "Number" SingleQuotedString = Char("'") >> String(set(string.printable) - set("'"), "'") << Char("'") DoubleQuotedString = Char('"') >> String(set(string.printable) - set('"'), '"') << Char('"') QuotedString = Wrapper(DoubleQuotedString | SingleQuotedString) % "quoted string"